For those working in the material delivery industry, it’s common knowledge that the process of transporting construction materials can be incredibly stressful on a dump truck. Though these vehicles can hold up to the rigors of the road and the sheer weight of their loads, even they can experience damage over time. For this reason, why we took special care in creating our QuickSilver bed liners. Not only can these accessories withstand the physical stress of the job, but we also test them with various chemicals to ensure their durability. These are some of the chemical resistance properties of QuickSilver bed liners and why this is the best way to provide your vehicle will protection.
Industrial alcohol products commonly function to test the overall chemical strength of certain materials because, like acids, they eat away at specific types of molecules. While your truck will rarely come into direct contact with alcohol products on the job, it’s important to be ready in the event of accidental spillage. We test how our QuickSilver liners hold up to bleach, ethanol, or methanol, and our liners routinely show an acceptable amount of tolerance to them.
Chorine is another strong chemical that’s likely to damage the integrity of certain materials over time. These solvents often exist in the metal cleaning products that you use on your truck between jobs. As such, we consider it a necessity that our liners can withstand the same level of cleaning. After much testing, QuickSilver bed liners exhibit acceptable resistance to these solutions so you can maintain your equipment with little worry.
Another chemical resistance property of QuickSilver bed liners is the level of direct sunlight it can withstand. Though many of us wouldn’t consider sunlight a chemical, UV rays do have the tendency to degrade plastics after extended exposure. Since truck beds are consistently out in the elements, this makes liner products particularly susceptible to decay. For this reason, we’ve tested our QuickSilver liners under harsh, intense sunlight and chemically engineered them to maintain their structural integrity. Now, their resistance to the sun is also considered acceptable for the job.
At Linings Inc., it’s our mission to provide industry professionals like you with quality, protective accessories that will keep your dump truck in proper performing condition. For this reason, we put extra time and care into testing our QuickSilver truck bed liners. We want our products to both cushion your equipment from harsh physical impacts and also to protect it from certain chemical conditions you may come across. This way, we can truly ensure you’re ready for anything.