There’s an extensive list of resources available in the construction industry. From gravel and dirt to steel and asphalt, each material has a proper use, depending on the needs of a project and, as such, must make it to their job site efficiently. Unfortunately, certain materials can severely damage the dump truck that transports them—reducing its usability over time. But if you install the right bed liners in your vehicle, your worries could be a thing of the past. Here are some of the load applications for the QuickSilver bed liners and why they’re a wonderful tool to have on the job.
When it comes to making a quality material delivery, hot and sticky resources often present the most challenge. Not only can they meld to the truck bed’s surface and cause damage, but they can also cool before they make it to the destination. Fortunately, the design of the QuickSilver dump truck liner allows it to withstand the high temperatures of substances like hot asphalt. Since they’re thicker and better insulated, heat is less likely to penetrate the liner and damage the truck bed.
The same quality also enables them to deal with frozen loads. In fact, QuickSilver bed liners have undergone testing to withstand temperatures down to negative 100 degrees without showing signs of cracking or breaking. As with hot asphalt, this will also keep these materials from sticking to the slightly warmer metal bed, making the unloading process much simpler.
Another load application for the Quicksilver bed liners involves hard and rough debris such as aggregates and other rock materials—like gravel and sand. These resources are some of the most commonly used on a job site, and, as such, they tend to do the most damage to a truck during delivery. Each small piece will bounce around and tear holes in the bed’s surface upon impact. For this reason, QuickSilver products employ virgin UHMW-PE resin and silicon. Together, these substances form a material that’s strong and durable yet flexible enough to resist dents and prevent tearing.
For more information about our QuickSilver dump truck liners or any of our other products, reach out to Linings Inc. We pride ourselves on having the highest-quality products for all of your loading needs on the job. Whether it be hot asphalt or something as fine as loose dirt, our semi-truck bed liners can mitigate damage to your truck while keeping these materials contained in transit.