When carefully delivering materials to designated construction areas, it’s crucial that your dump truck can handle anything. Otherwise, it’s more likely that it could sustain damage that severely reduces its long-term effectiveness. For this reason, it’s common for dump truck operators to equip their tools with heavy-duty truck bed liners like The Haulk. This model is among the best at resisting the abrasive surfaces of various course materials, and can make for the strongest tool in your arsenal. These are some of the load applications the Haulk bed liner can handle and why you should consider using it on your fleet.
Bottom ash is a coarse, powder-like material that’s created as a byproduct of burning raw coal. It’s often used as an alternative to sand during construction projects and has many of the same properties. As such, like sand, it can be very harsh on the exposed bed of a dump truck over time. Haulk liners are specifically designed to prevent these substances from having direct interaction with the bed. This keeps the truck dent- and scrape-free through countless deliveries.
Pig iron or crude iron, on the other hand, is a slightly larger type of scrap metal that’s been smelted down to create oblong blocks. These chunks of material aren’t uniform and are, therefore, easily capable of causing significant damage should they hit the truck bed with any type of force. For this reason, Haulk dump truck liners are constructed using glass beads to increase the amount of abrasion resistance and overall impact strength.
Transporting auto fluff is another worthwhile load application the Haulk bed liner can handle. This material is a mixture of various components often found in vehicles. Some of these substances include plastics, foam, textiles, rubber, and glass. Because of the diverse nature of this compound, it’s difficult to accurately predict the type of damage it can do while in transport. Therefore, it’s important that you have a liner that can withstand any variance of force and sharpness.
Rip rap, or rubble, is also a commonly-used material on construction sites. These large rocks tend to bounce when being transported, and can create deep dents and gouges when the truck is insufficiently protected. Fortunately, Haulk liners span the entire inside of the dump truck bed and ensure that all areas are covered should a larger rock make an impact. Its slick surface also allows for easier drop-off of these rough materials and minimizes the risk of them leaving damage as they slide out.