At Linings, Inc., we work to bring you the best possible dump truck bed liners available anywhere. After working in the industry for many years, we understand the needs of our customers. We work to bring them solutions that will help them through their everyday tasks when they’re hauling various loads in dump trucks and dump trailers. No matter what your reason is for deciding to use a dump truck bed liner, it offers many great benefits and uses within your daily working life.
When you’re constantly hauling large loads of any material, you may find that your bare dump truck or trailer isn’t completely effective at carrying the load and it suffers damage. Or if your bed or trailer is durable, releasing the load may be an issue. You’ll find that a dump truck liner specially made for the specific industry in which you’re working is highly effective. No matter the need, you’ll find there are many dump truck bed liner uses.
Industries Served
Mining/Quarry Operations: One industry that uses dump truck bed liners is mining. Companies in this sector often use dump trucks for hauling various forms of aggregate, whether it’s gravel, sand, or other materials. Through continuous use, you may find that your dump truck bed becomes heavily damaged from constant contact with rough and heavy materials. A dump truck bed liner is used to create a barrier between this rock or other aggregate to extend the life of your trailer.
Demolition: You can find more dump truck bed liner uses in the demolition industry. Materials in this sector can include anything from wood and used concrete to metals and more, all of which can cause damage to your bare dump truck bed over time. This can lead to accelerated rusting and the creation of holes—which our liners can prevent.
Snow Removal/Handling: A third industry that uses dump truck bed liners is the snow removal sector. Your typical snowplow is also a dump truck, carrying salt or other melting agents in its dump bed. Sometimes these materials can react with the bare metal, causing corrosion and accelerated wear. Our bed liners can protect against this. If you use your trucks to haul away excess snow, you may find that snow likes to stick without releasing when you’re dumping. That’s why another of our dump truck bed liner uses is to help with this, too, allowing your workers to unload snow quickly and get back on the road to remove more.
Paving Operations: The road construction sector is another industry that uses dump truck bed liners. These liners can be particularly helpful when you’re hauling asphalt to wherever you’re paving, and you find that your load can be much hotter than most materials that you haul. When your vehicle features a liner, your bed has a new barrier between it and this material, providing it with protection. But the benefits do not end there. When dumping, you’ll find that the stickiest loads slide away freely, saving you the time and energy of removing it from your bed so that you can return to hauling materials and get more done in your workday.
For more information on dump truck bed liner uses, get in touch with us today. We’re ready to help you start enjoying the advantages of using a bed liner.